It is a known fact that video games are played by boys more so than girls, but female gamers have been increasing over time. About 60 percent of gamers are males while the remaining 40 percent are female. While certain games can be played by both; girls and boys, others seem gender-specific. Certain simulation games are targeted more towards a particular gender as opposed to both of them equally.
Juegos de Comida is assumed to be played by girls, while shooting games are assumed to be played solely by boys. Even though cooking is done by both genders and food is consumed by both as well, cooking games are assumed to be specifically for girls. Online games are made for everyone and should not be discriminated against by gender.
Games like PubG and Call of Duty are assumed to be played by only males, while games like farm town and cooking games are played by only females. This assumption is wrong and entirely sexist. Both genders should be able to play both these kinds of games freely and comfortably.
Even games like Hotel Mania are considered specific for girls only. Though these games are about tasks and activities designed for both; girls and boys, certain games are assumed to be aimed at girls or boys.
Games should be gender-neutral and such that anybody can play them irrespective of their gender. By introducing a game specifically for one gender, the makers limit their audience and make the other gender feel left out. It is bound to cause a loss to them as nobody wants to play a game that is not meant for them.
Games can and should be enjoyed by everyone. Playing a particular game meant for the opposite gender should not make a person feel like they have to change their identity. Girls should be able to play action games or shooting games without feeling like they need to change their likes and dislikes accordingly. Neither should boys feel like they are becoming girly simply because they enjoy cooking games.
No player should have to change their personality or identity to be able to enjoy a game and entertain themselves. There is absolutely no reason that a gamer girl should feel horrible about dressing like a girl and only behave and talk as though she were a boy. This kind of stereotype does not need to exist in any way. These stereotypes will only affect the minds of the children playing these games.
If someone plays a particular game, they may be bullied or called names. While certain games are preferred more by boys as compared to girls, it does not entail that they are only meant for boys. No game should be made keeping a particular gender in mind. Every person has their own tastes and preferences. Everyone should be able to enjoy whatever they want. Even though the company making them may not intend to sell the game to a specific gender, the players seem to divide themselves differently.